Functional and Therapeutic Movement

A blend of movement principles informed by physical and energetic anatomy.
Develop more awareness and use an individualized approach to address specific concerns.

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blog post salamba setu banhasana spported bridge jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics :: Salamba Setu Bandhasana / Supported Bridge Pose

Supported bridge pose or Salamba Setu Bandhasana is a restorative posture that helps to create more length in the front of the body, the deep belly, ileopsoas muscle and chest. It helps to tone the organs in the pelvis and abdomen as well as putting gentle pressure on the lower back. ...
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blog post supta baddha konasana reclined bound angle jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics : Reclined Bound Angle / Supported Butterfly Pose

This posture is a wonderful pose to integrate into your practice due to its restorative and restful effect on the body. Take your time to set it up, and enjoy! Reclined bound angle posture (supported butterfly pose) helps to open the chest, lungs, heart, abdomen, and pelvis. Its one of ...
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blog post the body is a spiral jennifer raye

Myofascial Meridians: The Body is a Spiral

Myofascial Planes Over the last few posts, I’ve explored the body’s myofascial meridians, lines, planes, or sheaths. To learn more, check out my previous posts on the lateral, dorsal, ventral, and core planes. These planes are a wonderful way to understand how movement, including asana (yoga postures), affects the body’s physical ...
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blog post strengthen your core jennifer raye

Myofascial Meridians: Strengthen Your Core

Myofascial Sheaths Over the last couple of posts, I’ve been exploring the myofascial meridians, lines, planes, or sheaths of the body in a series of posts. Follow along for an exploration of the planes of the body by signing up for the series here.  These planes are a fantastic way to ...
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blog post open the ventral plane jennifer raye

Myofascial Meridians: Open the Ventral Plane

Myofascial Sheaths The myofascial lines, planes, or sheaths provide a helpful map for understanding how positive and negative stress patterns relay and transfer through the body’s structures. Follow along for an exploration of the planes of the body by signing up for the series here. The Ventral Plane The ventral ...
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blog post release the dorsal plane jennifer raye

Myofascial Meridians: Release the Back Body

Myofascial Planes The myofascial lines, meridians, planes, or sheaths provide a helpful map for understanding how positive and negative stress patterns relay and transfer through the body’s structures. When studying human structure, we often refer to individual anatomical parts as separate from all other parts. This, of course, is not true; everything ...
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blog post release the lateral plane jennifer raye

Myofascial Meridians: Release the Lateral Sheath

Myofascial Sheaths When studying and discussing the human body, we often refer to individual anatomical parts as separate from all other parts. This, of course, is not true; everything is deeply interconnected within the body. One way anatomical structures connect to (and are affected by) one another is through the ...
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blog post harness your feet to stabilize structure jennifer raye

Building Intelligence and Strength in the Feet and Legs for Stability and Grounding

The feet are the foundation of the body. The 33 joints and the 26 bones in the foot constantly move and make small articulations based on the forces the body is bearing. Ultimately, any incongruence in our posture or alignment (day to day and in our asana practice) will show up ...
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blog post reduce anxiety with these 3 breathing exercises jennifer raye

3 Breathing Exercises to Reduce Anxiety

The breath is an immediate doorway into discovering what is happening in the body and mind. Your breathing is a reflection of all kinds of systems in the body including the muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological systems. The breath affects energy levels, your emotional state, and it’s in direct relationship ...
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blog post are you trying too hard in your practice jennifer raye

Are you trying too hard in your practice?

Whether you’re practicing asana (the physical movements of yoga), or seated meditation, your experience arises through the filter of your sustained attention. The ancient yogis understood that through a deliberate cultivation of this attention, practitioners could experience the natural mind as radiant and clear. Yogis use the eight fold path ...
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