Functional and Therapeutic Movement

A blend of movement principles informed by physical and energetic anatomy.
Develop more awareness and use an individualized approach to address specific concerns.

Find strength and freedom from pain and restriction with these videos and articles.

blog post quick and simple yin yang sequence jennifer raye

Simple and Quick Yin Yang Yoga Sequence and Practice

The terms yin and yang are used within Taoist and Chinese philosophy to describe how opposite forces are connected and interdependent in the natural world. Yin refers to qualities that are slower and more passive, while yang refers to qualities that are more active and dynamic. When the two forces of ...
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blog post how to use chinese medicine in your yoga practice jennifer raye

How to use Chinese Medicine in your yoga practice

Did you know that Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga) were almost certainly influenced by one another? Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are two of the oldest continuously practiced and recorded medical traditions in the world. They are both a product of their individual cultures, but at their ...
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blog post what is restorative yoga jennifer raye

What is restorative yoga? How does restorative yoga work?

“Restorative poses are poses of being rather than doing” Judith Lasater Restorative yoga is a specific style of yoga that emphasizes relaxing and receiving. The deliberate stillness once you’re in a restorative posture affects energetic and physical healing by calming the nervous system. Many restorative poses also gently activate and ...
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blog post yoga for immunity and lymphatic flow jennifer raye

Yoga Practice Video for Immunity and Lymphatic Flow

There are many simple techniques you can use to support your immune system. Today I’ll focus on four primary pillars for basic immune health. You’ll also find a yoga practice designed to target your lymphatic system, skin, digestive system, and lungs. Watch and read below to learn more. For more ...
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blog post four movements to balance your yin yoga jennifer raye

4 movements to balance your yin yoga practice

Yin yoga has many benefits, but yin yogis also need to include active strength based movement, so that the body and tissues remain balanced. Yin yoga relies on the theory that tissues need appropriate stress to become resilient, supple, and strong. Yin yoga puts pressure on the connective tissue and ...
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blog post whats the difference between restorative and yin yoga jennifer raye

What are the differences between restorative yoga and yin yoga?

It makes sense that restorative yoga and yin yoga are sometimes confused with one another. These two practices are similar in many ways. They’re both slow, receptive, calming, cooling, and oftentimes, they both emphasize contemplative teachings. These two practices do have some essential differences though. I often get asked how ...
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blog post legs up the wall viparita karani jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics :: Legs up the Wall / Viparita Karani

There are many variations of Viparita Karani but in today’s post, I explore a simple variation of “legs up the wall”. This posture can be used in an active yoga practice, in a yin yoga practice, or in a restorative yoga practice. Legs up the Wall // Viparita Karani Legs ...
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blog post corpse pose savasana feature

Yoga Posture Basics :: Savasana / Corpse Pose with modifications

Savasana (corpse pose) is a resting pose that is usually used to help us to let go at the end of our yoga practice. It helps to calm the mind, and induces a sense of relaxation. You can also use savasana at any point in your yoga practice to integrate ...
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blog post salamba setu banhasana spported bridge jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics :: Salamba Setu Bandhasana / Supported Bridge Pose

Supported bridge pose or Salamba Setu Bandhasana is a restorative posture that helps to create more length in the front of the body, the deep belly, ileopsoas muscle and chest. It helps to tone the organs in the pelvis and abdomen as well as putting gentle pressure on the lower back. ...
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blog post supta baddha konasana reclined bound angle jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics : Reclined Bound Angle / Supported Butterfly Pose

This posture is a wonderful pose to integrate into your practice due to its restorative and restful effect on the body. Take your time to set it up, and enjoy! Reclined bound angle posture (supported butterfly pose) helps to open the chest, lungs, heart, abdomen, and pelvis. Its one of ...
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