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blog post finding joy in the simple moments jennifer raye

Finding Joy in the Simple Moments

The sacred is all around us when we take the time to pause and notice. When we meet the simple moment with wholehearted attention we find this truth. Developing a practice in which you aim to feel the breath in your lungs, the warm sun on your face, and the ...
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blog post why youre not getting enough sleep and what to do about it jennifer raye

Why you’re not getting enough sleep and what to do about it

I recently finished reading Arianna Huffington’s new book, Thrive, and I loved it!! Throughout her book, Arianna discusses what she calls “the third metric of success.” Her personal story of stress and overwhelm is an insider’s look at what she calls “true success and happiness.” I love this book because ...
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blog post quick green smoothie recipe jennifer raye

The Health Trick Everyone is Trying

One of the secrets to radiant health is in the pH of your body. Your beautiful body operates optimally if it has a slightly alkaline pH. In fact, it’s designed to function within a very narrow pH range. Even small changes to your bodies pH can create havoc. Your body ...
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blog post seaweed 101 jennifer raye

Seaweed 101: The benefits of seaweed and how to use seaweed in your cooking

Benefits of Seaweed Regularly using seaweeds or sea vegetables in your diet is a wonderful way to increase the nutrition profile and healing potential of your meal. There are so many reasons to eat more seaweeds! Did you know that seaweed (is):   Rich in vitamins and minerals Sea veggies ...
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blog post how to cleance every organ jennifer raye

How to Cleanse every Organ

How to Cleanse Traditional practices and ancient healing arts like Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda tell us that cleansing the body, mind, and heart helps to kick start health and wellbeing. Plus, regular cleansing is a fantastic opportunity to reassess your life and address any areas that might be ...
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blog post how to use yin and yang in your cooking jennifer raye

Cooking with Yin and Yang

What is Yin and Yang? The terms yin and yang are used within Taoist and Chinese philosophy to describe how opposite forces are connected and interdependent in the natural world. Yin and Yang are relative terms. Something is only considered yin when it is in relation to something more yang. ...
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blog post 4 guidelines for mindfulness practice jennifer raye

4 Guidelines for Mindfulness Practice

“There is one thing monks, that cultivated and regularly practiced, leads to a deep sense of urgency… the supreme peace… to mindfulness and clear comprehension… to the attainment of right vision and knowledge… to happiness here and now,….. to realizing deliverance by wisdom and the fruition of holiness: it is ...
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blog post detox with cereal grass jennifer raye1

Detox with Cereal Grasses

There are many different kinds of cereal grasses. Some of the most popular are barley, and wheat grass. They all have small differences, but for the most part, their properties, benefits, and uses, are very similar. Use cereal grasses for: Promoting weight loss and assisting digestion Boosting immunity Cleansing and ...
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blog post how do you love jennifer raye

How do you love?

Forget warrior I or child’s pose. Headstand or seated meditation? No way. There are times in life when the resting pose of savasana seems to be the only sane pose to practice. Our yoga and meditation practice can take different shapes at different times in our lives. It’s meant to ...
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blog post recommended reading jennifer raye

Recommended Reading

Please see below for a current list of book recommendations. Many of these books were written by dear teachers of mine. This list is not exhaustive, but it should get you started!  Chinese Medicine / Ayurveda / Herbal Medicine Deadman, Peter. Manual of Acupuncture. Giovanni, Maciocia. The Foundations of Chinese ...
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