Survive the Holidays with True Self Care

blog post holiday survival guide jennifer raye

The holidays are fast approaching and that means things can start to get a little crazy! For many people, the holiday season can be a busy and stressful time.

During this time of year, your immune system can be exposed to more flus and colds, and there can be greater stress related to social obligation, financial worries, or just changes in your diet. Because of all of this, it’s an important time to pay special attention to self care.

If you’re already feeling fatigued or overwhelmed, be sure to take time for yourself so that you don’t end up making matters worse over the holiday season. I know it’s difficult to step back from your responsibilities, but it’s essential.

Signs you need Self Care

  • Digestive issues – constipation, irregular bowel movements
  • Troubles with sleep – insomnia, waking up, hard to fall asleep
  • Craving sweets, fats, carbs, and/or salt
  • Fatigue
  • Energy slump in the afternoon
  • Weight gain
  • Frequent colds, sniffles, or coughs
  • Brain “fog”, weak memory, or concentration
  • Feelings of anxiety, and/or depression
  • Quick to anger

You deserve to take time for yourself. Plus, when you recharge, you’re way more productive, and way more capable of serving those around you.

Try to find some time in the next few days to sit down and do some journaling. Ask yourself, “How much time do I need to reset my energy?” and “How can I find that time?”. Then, your next step is to schedule it. Truly. Sit down and plug it into your calendar. I know you wouldn’t miss a scheduled appointment, so don’t miss this one.

Make a Personal List

Carve out some time and brainstorm 5-10 small activities that really nourish you, and help you feel more energized and calm. Keep this list close at hand and aim to use at least one on most days. Or at the very least, on the days you’re feeling wiped. Here are some examples:

  • Take a bath – add bath salts, a favourite essential oil, or some relaxing music. Make this time your own.
  • Go for a walk in nature – resist the urge to listen to music and instead breath deeply and enjoy the sound of birds, the wind, or the trees.
  • Enjoy a warm drink – drink herbal tea, or just a warm water with lemon. Enjoy the aroma, and the pause in your day.
  • Dance! Turn on some music and go for it!
  • Write in your journal. Reflect on everything and everyone you appreciate in your life.
  • Take a “power” nap. Snuggle up, close your eyes, and rest for 10-30min.
  • My personal favourite – Ayurvedic self massage – learn more with my post here.

Keep it Simple

It’s possible to find the time for true self care, and it can be simple and easy! You definitely don’t have to buy an expensive spa day, or completely overhaul your life, to refresh your system when you’re running low.

To begin, consider how often you do things you don’t want to do. I know there are some tasks you have to do. That’s fine. But be aware of the “busy disease”. Are there things you’re doing that you could say no to? Next time you’re asked to take on one more thing, try saying “I’ll get back to you on that” to give yourself time to assess.

The Pause

Take a pause in your day every so often. Make it a habit to check in with yourself – how do you feel? Sometimes signs are physical, and other times they’re more mental or emotional. Pay attention to what you discover. Your incredible body has innate intelligence and it will tell you when you need to reign it in and when it’s ready to take on more.

The pause is a great technique to use when you’re about to put another item on your list. Find a time to sit and feel how the task makes your body feel. Does it make you tense up? Or maybe it excites you, and it feels expansive? Remember – when you say no, you can use the energy you gain to forge quality over quantity.

The Basics

It’s easy (especially during the holidays) to find yourself eating more sugary and processed food, not getting enough water, and losing sleep. Of course, all of these can seriously impact your health and they are the first step to address in taking care of yourself.

Re-assess your diet, and ensure you’re getting enough nutrition by reducing processed flour products, sugar, and stimulants like coffee. Replace these empty foods with high quality fats, water, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Include organic meats, fish, and eggs if you eat animal products.

Get enough sleep! If you’d like more sleep tips make sure to check out my post here.

Immune System Support

If you’ve been feeling run down, or you get sick frequently, you’ll want to protect and support your immune system. Be sure to check out my other post on herbs for immunity along with the supplements below:

* *Check with your health care provider before starting any new supplement regime

  • VITAMIN C – use daily to protect against colds and flu – 1000mg-2000mg/day
  • ZINC – use daily to support immunity and reduce colds and flu – 30-60 mg/day
  • VITAMIN D3 – support the immune system, especially in winter – 2000-5000 units daily
  • REISHI MUSHROOM – supports immune and digestive function – follow instructions on packaging
  • ECHINACEA – use for early stage upper respiratory infection – follow instructions on packaging

Fun Recipe for a Seasonal Pick Me Up

And finally, if you’re looking for a nourishing way to integrate more herbal medicine into your day you’ll definitely want to try this delicious warm elixir:

Combine all ingredients. Mix or blend and enjoy!

  • 1 cup warm almond or coconut milk
  • 1/4 tsp grated turmeric
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
  • sweetener like maple syrup or honey
  • 1/2 tsp coconut oil
  • pinch of black pepper

Take Good Care

Taking time for yourself is so important. You deserve to radiate from the inside out! If you’d like to take an even deeper dive into self care be sure to check out Calm and Renew by annual guided online program.

Chinese Medicine Food Therapy Course

Self Care for Spring Online Course

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