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blog post how to make almond milk jennifer raye

The Healing Power of Almonds and How to Make Almond Milk

Almonds are used in healing diets to restore and nourish all tissue layers of the body. Almonds are the oldest cultivated nut and are considered the most medicinal nut available. Almonds are thought to reduce vata in Ayurvedic medicine. They support the nervous, digestive, and reproductive system as well as ...
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blog post how to make sauerkaut jennifer raye

Benefits of Fermentation and How to Make Sauerkraut

Fermented foods are a wonderful way to expand your diet and deeply support your digestive system. Eating fermented foods promotes healthy bacteria (“flora”) in the digestive system which helps with the digestibility of foods, and the production and absorption of enzymes and vitamins. Traditionally, fermentation was used as a way ...
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blog post how to practice intention setting jennifer raye

How to Practice Intention Setting

Intention setting is used in many traditions to help one come into alignment with who they really are. In the Buddhist tradition right intention is taught as the second step in the eightfold path and in the yogic tradition intention is taught as the practice of sankalpa. You can harness ...
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blog post how to come home jennifer raye

How to Come Home

“Mindfulness awareness practice is the home ground of the spiritual warrior.” Pema Chodron Through our yoga or meditation practice we learn to be with ourselves in order to deeply experience ourselves. We commit to arriving here and now with wholehearted presence and we become familiar with our home base. This takes love, ...
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blog post five ways to kickstart your day jennifer raye

5 ways to kickstart your day

Making some very simple changes to your lifestyle and diet can have profound effects. When you commit to simple changes that support wellbeing, the bodies innate intelligence responds, and you experience greater health and vitality. To have more energy and to feel more alert and alive every morning commit to ...
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blog post 4 quick hearty salads on the go jennifer raye

4 Quick and Hearty Salads on the Go

It’s always a good idea to have a variety of ingredients for salad on hand in the kitchen. Mix grains or beans with vegetables, fresh herbs, and some seasoning to ensure you have healthy food on the go. Below I’ve included four quick and hearty salad recipes you can use ...
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blog post simplicity of acceptance jennifer raye

The Simplicity of Acceptance

“Unconditional acceptance is not static but ecstatic, vibrant, dynamically engaged in and connected with reality. It helps us to meet life all along her gorgeous body, not just shaking hands with life and wading in its shallows.” Lama Surya Das As I step onto my mat and inhale, breath filling ...
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blog post three inner attitudes of meditative practice jennifer raye

3 Inner Attitudes of Meditative Practice

As we sit in meditation we recognize whatever is arising, we accept its appearance or disappearance, and we let go of what we think “should” be happening. As we do this we move from an identification with what we notice to an accepting open observation of what is. “The path ...
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blog post holistic nutrition difficulty digesting beans legumes jennifer raye

Difficulty Digesting Beans and Legumes? Try These Tips.

Green and red lentils, black beans, kidney beans, mung beans, chickpeas, adzuki beans, navy beans, and so many more! Beans and legumes are used around the world as a staple food, and are a wonderful part of a healthy, whole, plant based diet. They provide variety in the diet, a ...
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blog post six reasons to practice yoga jennifer raye

6 Reasons to Practice Yin Yoga

I first found yin yoga when I was heartbroken. Day by day I would return to the studio and sink into my mat allowing myself to let go for just those 90 minutes. What I found in that stillness was a place where everything was ok even when it was ...
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