Yin Yoga Sphinx Pose and Yin Yoga Seal Pose with modifications

blog post yin yoga sphinx pose seal pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sphinx Pose

Sphinx pose is a backbend that helps to open the front of the body and compresses the lower spine, sacrum, and region of the kidneys and the adrenal glands. It also activates the Kidney meridian, and the ligaments along the spine. This is particularly important due to its connection with the reserve of Qi held in this area.

Remember this can be a deep pose. If you have a history of fragility in the lower back go very slow. And if you experience any pain slowly come out of the posture. You can also experiment with engaging the inner thighs and outer buttock and pressing the pubic bone down to create more stability and support. You can also lower down onto your lower ribs for a smaller backbend.

To release rest on your belly and then push up with an exhale and rest back in child’s pose or move to your next yin yoga posture.

Yin Yoga Seal Pose

Seal pose is a deeper back bend and may not be available for everyone. Take your time. This posture not only pressurizes the spine and kidney meridian it also opens up the upper chest, strengthens the arm bones, and provides a stretch into the front of the body which is where the Spleen and Stomach meridian run. This variation is also safe to practice while pregnant.

With your arms straight, and wider than your torso, walk your hands back until they are a few inches in front of your shoulders. Remember to protect hyper-mobile elbows by creating a micro-bend and keep equal weight distribution on your hands and wrists.

If you feel you need extra stability in the low back in this posture, you can engage the legs and glutes as described in the above sphinx posture. You can also alternate contracting and releasing of your buttocks and legs in this posture.

To release lay on belly or you can drag your foot and knee up towards the head while keeping them on the floor for a greater release. Childs pose and/or cat/cow pose is also a nice counter pose.

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