4 Self Care Practices to Support Your Day

blog post four self care practices to support your day jennifer raye

Self care doesn’t have to be complicated and time consuming. I have a busy life too, and I know how taking time out for self care can end up feeling like one more thing on the to-do list.

There’s a way though, to create self care habits that don’t interrupt your day. Instead, they help connect you with what’s truly important, and they become regular, ordinary, and routine. When self care habits become simple daily sadhana (practice), I like to call them true self care.

Here are a few easy ways to nourish your body, mind, and spirit every day.

Time in Nature

Where I live on the west coast, I’m blessed with a mild climate and access to ocean air. For me, the ocean air helps me feel more at peace and grounded.

Regardless of where you live, spending time surrounded by trees, off pavement, and breathing in fresh air allows you to unplug from your busy life and ingest much needed vitality in the form of Qi or prana. If you’re short on time, simply spend 5-10 min. outside being present and enjoying your mini reset. Almost any activity can be done as a mindfulness or spiritual practice when done with presence and intention.

Skin Brushing and Massage

Taking time to care for your body using high quality natural products is another way you can remind yourself you’re loved.

During bathing, use a scrub and loofa to exfoliate the skin. Scrub the body starting at the feet and move towards the heart. Use circular motions or long sweeping motions. This helps the natural detoxification process and leaves your skin radiant.

You can also massage your entire body using a natural oil. Take time over areas that feel a little sore paying special attention to the feet and hands. Mix the carrier oil (almond oil or sesame oil for example) with a few drops of essential oil such as lavender or geranium to create a balancing treatment with a nice scent. You can also add oils to a warm bath. Visualize tension releasing from your mind and body. Learn more about self massage here.


A full and complete breath cleanses the blood and calms the nervous system.

Lie comfortably on your back. Breath slowly and rhythmically. Concentrate on creating a smooth continuous flow of air. On the inhale begin by filling the lower part of your lungs. Continue to inhale filling the midsection of the body and finish by filling the top part of the lungs. Hold the breath for a moment and then allow the exhale to release slowly in reverse order. Learn more about breathing practices for anxiety here.


Spend time every day recognizing what you’re grateful for. Gratitude has the power to drastically alter your relationship to life.

Every evening before bed make a list of the small or big things that you experienced in the day that made you smile. You can also list people in your life and past experiences you’ve had. When you consciously acknowledge positivity in your life you actually alter your brain chemistry and you begin to notice the positive more often.

Want to learn more about seasonal self care? You may want to check out my online seasonal self care courses for spring and fall.

Chinese Medicine Food Therapy Course

Self Care for Spring Online Course

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