Mood and Emotions

Do you have a "foggy" brain, bouts of depression, or wish you had more clarity?
Or maybe you struggle with a feeling of overwhelm and a sense of underlying anxiety?

Learn what you can do to feel better with these videos and articles.

blog post why youre not getting enough sleep and what to do about it jennifer raye

Why you’re not getting enough sleep and what to do about it

I recently finished reading Arianna Huffington’s new book, Thrive, and I loved it!! Throughout her book, Arianna discusses what she calls “the third metric of success.” Her personal story of stress and overwhelm is an insider’s look at what she calls “true success and happiness.” I love this book because ...
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blog post the secrets to hormonal balance jennifer raye

Women! The Secrets to Hormonal Balance

According to Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, a woman’s menstrual cycle is a natural reflection of her overall health and balance. Many women experience some level of disharmony related to their cycle. If you’re having difficulty with fertility or irregularities, pain, and PMS with the rhythms of menstruation, your hormonal system ...
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blog post remedies for menopausal symptoms jennifer raye

5 Helpful Remedies for Menopausal Symptoms

Throughout life you continually use and produce hormones. With the onset of menopause this balance changes. While the transition into menopause is normal, many symptoms women experience are extreme and reflect a system that needs balancing. Menopause is considered a “second spring” in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It’s considered a time ...
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blog post four self care practices to support your day jennifer raye

4 Self Care Practices to Support Your Day

Self care doesn’t have to be complicated and time consuming. I have a busy life too, and I know how taking time out for self care can end up feeling like one more thing on the to-do list. There’s a way though, to create self care habits that don’t interrupt ...
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blog post seven ways to help insomnia jennifer raye

7 Ways to Help Insomnia Tonight

A restless sleep can be an incredibly stressful experience. Sometimes, no matter how much you want to doze off, your body and mind just don’t seem to cooperate. You probably know by now that sleep is an important part of overall health. The effects of losing sleep can show up ...
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