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blog post governing du and conception ren meridians jennifer raye

Ren and Du Meridians for Yoga

In Chinese Medicine the body is thought to contain channels of energy. The subtle or energetic body is made up of these channels, meridians, or nadis. These channels act as pathways where Qi or Prana flows. There are fourteen main meridians. Twelve meridians are associated with individual organs and two ...
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blog post yin yoga sequence for winter jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sequence for the Winter

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yin Yoga for the Winter When sequencing a yin yoga practice you can plan a series of postures that relate to a specific theme. Some examples of themes include an area of the body, a specific action or movement, a contemplative practice, or a Chinese Medicine ...
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blog post what are the 5 elements how do the five elements work jennifer raye

What are the Five Elements in Chinese Medicine? and How do the Five Elements Work?

The theory of the 5 elements is a foundational concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The five elements are used to describe cycles, dynamic qualities, or patterns, and this translates into an understanding of health and disease. The Chinese yogis and physicians observed the natural world to find patterns and by ...
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blog post self care for late summer jennifer raye

4 Digestion Supporting Tips a Chinese Medicine Practitioner Wants You to Know

You probably know that even with a healthy diet, you won’t get the nutrition you need if your digestion isn’t working at its optimum. Many Earth-based medical systems, such as Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, place digestion at the center of health. These systems recognize that high-quality whole foods can be ...
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blog post 8 foods to reduce inflammation today jennifer raye

8 Foods to Reduce Inflammation Today

Inflammation is probably something you’re familiar with by now. Maybe you’ve experienced an infection of some sort, a sore throat, or a hot and painful joint. All of these are examples of inflammation in the body. Any condition ending in itis could have inflammation, such as arthritis or diverticulitis. Inflammation ...
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how to do an elimination diet jennifer raye

How to do an Elimination Diet the Right Way

An elimination diet is a great way to press the refresh button, develop mindfulness around food habits, and discover foods you’re eating that are causing troublesome symptoms. It’s very common for diet choices to cause imbalance and even disease, so I usually recommend doing an elimination diet if you’ve never ...
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blog post quick and simple yin yang sequence jennifer raye

Simple and Quick Yin Yang Yoga Sequence and Practice

The terms yin and yang are used within Taoist and Chinese philosophy to describe how opposite forces are connected and interdependent in the natural world. Yin refers to qualities that are slower and more passive, while yang refers to qualities that are more active and dynamic. When the two forces of ...
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blog post yin yoga sequence for fall jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sequence for Fall

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yin Yoga for Fall To sequence a yin yoga practice first choose your theme. Some examples of themes include an area of the body, a specific action or movement, a contemplative practice, or a Chinese Medicine meridian. There are many directions you can go with this ...
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blog post how to build your blood jennifer raye

How to Build and Nourish your Blood with Holistic Medicine

Blood provides energy and vitality. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it’s considered a yin fluid; it creates a feeling of grounding and presence. Blood is vital for overall health and well-being. Suppose you’ve been diagnosed with low iron or anemia, or you have low energy, paleness in your face or tongue, ...
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blog post four digestion tips for fall feature

4 Simple (and easy!) ways to kickstart your digestion for fall

As autumn approaches you may be starting to think about creating some new rhythms and routines. The transition of seasons is a wonderful time to reassess where you’re out of balance and create healthier habits moving forward. Supporting digestion is a great way to amp up your healing and get ...
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