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blog post how to build yin according to traditional chinese medicine jennifer raye

How to Build Yin (and why it’s so important!) According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

The holistic philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that we each need a balance of yin and yang for overall health and wellbeing. In the body and mind, yin is easily depleted by overwork, stress, and other factors. Similar to Ojas in Ayurvedic medicine, yin is closely related to growth, ...
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heal the heart mind with rose medicine jennifer raye

Healing the Heart – Mind with Rose Medicine

Summer is in full swing here, and I’ve been enjoying the arrival of swifts and swallows swooping through the air, the lengthening evenings, and warm air. This time of year it’s a delight to make medicine with wild rose which is plentiful and popping up everywhere in meadows and ditches ...
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heal the shen with food jennifer raye

Calm Heart & Clear Mind | Healing the Shen with Food as Medicine

Within Chinese Medicine, we use the term Shen to describe a person’s spirit or consciousness. This spirit is said to be visible in the spark of our eyes, and its energetic health determines how we connect with ourselves and each other. The Shen, and more generally the Heart-Mind system, is ...
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blog post yin yoga sequence for summer jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sequence for the Summer

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yin Yoga for the Summer When sequencing a yin yoga practice you can plan a series of postures that relate to a specific theme. Some examples of themes include an area of the body, a specific action or movement, a contemplative practice, or a Chinese Medicine ...
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pericardium triple burner meridians jennifer raye

Pericardium and Triple Burner Meridians for Yoga

In Chinese Medicine, the Pericardium and Triple Burner (San Jiao) are paired. When looking at the organs through the lens of Chinese Medicine, it’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is concerned with relationships, interactions, and functions more than physical location. So whenever the organs are discussed in Chinese Medicine, ...
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gentle morning yoga wake up jennifer raye

15 Minute Gentle Morning Yoga Wake Up

Good morning! Start your day off right with movement and mindful breathing! This 15-minute gentle morning yoga practice is great for a wake-up in the morning or any time of day when you’re looking for some quick gentle movement. This class especially helps to open the side body and back ...
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emotions chinese medicine jennifer raye

How to Decode and Heal Your Emotions – The Traditional Chinese Medicine Way

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient system of healing that has been used by physicians for over 2500 years. The practice of Chinese Medicine includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, various forms of massage and bodywork, physical exercises, and food therapy. It’s a holistic system that can be used to address all ...
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Yin yoga sequence hips jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sequence for the Spring

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yin Yoga for the Spring There are many possibilities when sequencing or theming a yin yoga practice. Some examples of themes include an area of the body, a specific action or movement, a contemplative practice, or a Chinese Medicine meridian. According to Chinese Medicine, spring is ...
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satya yoga practice jennifer raye

15 Minute S.A.T.Y.A Yoga Practice

This short and sweet class introduces a few foundational movements that are a part of a somatic practice system called S.A.T.Y.A. (sensory awareness training for yoga attunement). These therapeutic movements are done on the floor, and are designed to create structural integration and somatic awareness. During S.A.T.Y.A., slow sliding/gliding movements ...
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blog post awakening vitality reduce sluggishness feature

Awakening Vitality: How to Reduce Sluggishness in Late Winter and Early Spring

Here in the Pacific Northwest of Canada, the snow in the mountains is quickly melting, the rivers are running, and the forest is turning greener than ever. Something vigorous is coming to the surface in the natural world. After the challenge of cold weather and winter storms, the sap in ...
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