Yin Yoga Sequence for the Kidney Meridian

blog post yin yoga sequence for the kidney bladder meridians jennifer raye

Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Kidney and Urinary Bladder

Within our yin yoga practice we can practice sequences of poses that directly target areas of the physical body as well as specific meridian lines. Meridians are considered channels where Qi or Prana flows. Qi is the basic life force of the body. Having enough Qi flowing smoothly in the meridians is key to health and longevity in body and mind.

While each pose effects multiple meridians at a time we can combine the poses in a sequence to emphasize one or two meridians.

The sequence below targets the Kidney and Urinary Bladder channels. The Kidney and Bladder are related to the water element and the season of winter. To learn more about the water element and the winter watch this video.

Acupressure Point Kidney 1 (YongQuan)

In another post I wrote about the acupressure point Kidney 1 and how to use it in your practice so be sure to check that out as well.

Add pressure to the point when able during the below sequence to increase targeting of the Kidney meridian. According to Chinese Medicine the Kidney generally helps us to ground so pressing this point is especially helpful if you’ve been feeling anxious or ungrounded. Use gentle pressure to begin and slowly increase. Hold the point anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute or so dependant on your preference.

Yin Yoga Sequence for Kidney and Bladder Meridians:

** Hold poses between 3-5 min. depending on your ability

I hope you enjoy the sequence! Let me know in the comments if you tried it out and what you discovered 🙂

See you next time!

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