4 Natural (and Powerful!) Ways to Boost Your Energy

natural powerful energy jennifer raye

Do you sometimes feel like you don’t have enough energy to get through the day? Do you feel sluggish and drained no matter what you do? One of the most common complaints I encounter in my private practice is fatigue. Many people finish their day exhausted and find that better energy remains elusive no matter what they try.

There are many different reasons for fatigue, but there are also so many things you can do to boost your energy naturally and effectively! Below are five tips to boost your energy once and for all.

First sleep. This has to be said first. Statistics show that most people are sleep deprived and need deep rest. Of course, everyone occasionally has a night where they can’t sleep very well. But when a lack of sleep becomes a regular occurrence, it can seriously impact your overall health.

During sleep, the body addresses deeper functions and healing. Muscles recover, cells rebuild, the mind settles, and the digestive system resets. If your body tells you you’re tired, get more sleep. That may mean you need to do less. Approach the internal voice that demands you do more with kindness, but don’t give into it. Chances are, if you went to sleep a little earlier or had a nap, you would function at a higher level anyway.

Address gut health. Your digestion is central when it comes to energy levels. When your digestion isn’t functioning, the body can’t adequately use food for fuel, and you’ll feel tired and lackluster.

Did you know that trillions of bacteria in your digestive system contribute to overall energy? Poor diet, heavy antibiotic use, and toxic overload can damage your gut and those helpful bacteria. Support your gut bacteria by eating fibrous foods like vegetables, beans, and legumes. You can also take probiotic supplements and get probiotics by eating fermented foods like this sauerkraut.

Eat nutrient dense. You’ve probably heard that the standard North American diet is notoriously nutrient-poor. When trying to increase energy, think of adding in nutrient-dense foods. Whole-natural vegetables, fruits, healthy fat, beans, and legumes are all great options.

Some of my favorite nutrient-dense foods are seaweed and raw natural cacao. These foods are loaded with energy-supporting compounds, vitamins, and minerals and can be easily added to your next meal.

Use adaptogen herbs. Adaptogens are a class of herbal medicines that help protect the body from stress. Adaptogens balance, support, and calm the body’s stress systems and help you adapt to a changing environment. They are also some of the safest and non-toxic herbal medicines, especially for long-term use. I recommend checking with your healthcare provider before any new health regimen.

Two common adaptogen herbs that can be used for low energy are Reishi mushroom and Ashwagandha. These herbal medicines are considered tonic herbs and adaptogens because they’ll give you more energy when you’re depleted or exhausted. Reishi and Ashwagandha are nourishing and calming, so even though they boost your energy they won’t make you feel wired or cause an energy crash later.

I hope you use these tips and make today more energetic. Keep it up, and wishing you health and happiness.

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