Restorative Yin Somatics for the Hips Yoga Class

yin somatics hips practice jennifer raye

This restful movement class leads you through a series of therapeutic movements on the floor designed to support the hips and legs. The slower mindful nature of the practice also supports awareness by giving space and time to sense and feel the more subtle aspects of body, mind, and heart.

Remember – moving slow and bringing attention to subtle sensations in the body can help to encourage somatic awareness and be very revitalizing!

We begin our practice on a soft surface on the ground. Feel free to use a blanket or carpeted floor. Practicing close to the earth allows the body to rest – take your time, and allow your breath to soften and relax as you practice the movements.

Give yourself this time by following along and feel free to check out the information below the video for additional ideas and support.

Thank you for practicing! If you enjoyed this restorative yin somatics practice video you may also enjoy:

Mindful Yin Yoga Foundations Teacher Training

Yin Somatics Training - Oct.2024

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