Yin Yoga Melting Heart Pose and Yin Yoga Quarter Dog Pose with modifications

blog post yin yoga melting heart quarter dog pose jennifer raye

Melting heart is a backbend for the upper and mid back that helps to open the front of the body, shoulders, and the area around the heart.

Both melting heart and quarter dog pose target the meridians of the arms, upper chest, and back. The Stomach, Spleen, Bladder, Lung, and Heart channels are all affected in these postures.

To enter the posture start on all four’s. Reach your hands and arms forward and drape your chest and head down toward the floor while keeping your hips above your knees.

Yin Yoga Pose Melting Heart and Quarter Dog Modifications

If you have sensitivity in the knees place padding under your knees. You can also use padding under other areas such as the ankles or chest to create more comfort and ease.

Remember if you feel any tingling in your hands or arms to back off. You can also place your hands shoulder width or wider to ease some pressure in the upper back. Use a bolster under your chest to lessen the sensation in the shoulders and chest.

If you would like to intensify the opening bring your chin towards the floor instead of the forehead. Or you can place padding under the arms to increase the opening in the chest and shoulders.

Quarter dog pose is a very similar pose that activates one side at a time. You can also start with a quarter dog variation and eventually work your way towards melting heart.

As you release the posture engage the body as you come up and rest back in childs pose or on your belly.

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