Yin Yoga Shoelace Pose with modifications

blog post yin yoga shoelace pose jennifer raye

Shoelace pose is used within the yin yoga system to externally rotate the hips, and stretch the inner thighs and groin. If you’re folding forward it also decompresses the lower spine.

The primary meridians affected are the Liver, Gallbladder and Kidney channels. If you’re folding forward the Urinary Bladder meridian will also be affected.

Yin Yoga Shoelace Pose

You can enter the pose from all 4’s or from seated. As you enter the pose press into your hands and rock your weight back into your hips. Try to keep your hips even; the tendency is for the top thigh to pull forward. If you have knee or back issues you may want to stay seated upright instead of folding forward. If you’re pregnant, don’t fold forward after about the 1st trimester.

Remember to modify the pose to suit your body and be careful you don’t put too much pressure on the knees. If you find it difficult to sit up, use height under your hips such as a blanket or bolster. If you have space between the knees, place a folded blanket between the knees, or under the bottom knee.

A helpful alternative is to do half shoelace with the bottom leg extended. Half shoelace targets the back of the extended leg (hamstring, dorsal chain, and Bladder meridian), in addition to targeting the outer hip of the top leg. If you’re taking half shoelace, you may need to support under the bottom knee to protect against hyper-extension of the leg.

A few more accessible variations to consider are “sukhasana” (crossing one shin in front of the other and folding forward from there), or eye of the needle pose on your back.

To release slowly use your hands to guide the legs out in front of you and rest back on your hands. You can also take a counter movement by gentling twisting, or doing “windshield wipers”.

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