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blog post 5 spices to help lose weight today jennifer raye

5 Spices to Help Lose Weight Today

It’s pretty common to want to lose a bit of extra weight. Nowadays, it can feel like everyone is on a diet. Unfortunately, the standard American diet (S.A.D.) has created a situation where many people are undernourished and overfed! If you’ve been struggling to feel your best, concerns about weight ...
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blog post four movements to balance your yin yoga jennifer raye

4 movements to balance your yin yoga practice

Yin yoga has many benefits, but yin yogis also need to include active strength based movement, so that the body and tissues remain balanced. Yin yoga relies on the theory that tissues need appropriate stress to become resilient, supple, and strong. Yin yoga puts pressure on the connective tissue and ...
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blog post liver and gallbladder meridians jennifer raye

Liver and Gallbladder Meridians for Yoga

In Chinese Medicine, the Liver and Gallbladder are paired. When looking at the organs through the lens of Chinese Medicine, it’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is concerned with relationships, interactions, and functions more than physical location. So whenever the organs are discussed in Chinese Medicine, what’s usually being ...
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blog post lung and large intestine meridians jennifer raye

Lung and Large Intestine Meridians for Yin Yoga

In Chinese Medicine, the Lungs and the Large Intestine are paired. When looking at the organs through the lens of Chinese Medicine, it’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is concerned with relationships, interactions and functions more than physical location. So whenever the organs are discussed in Chinese Medicine, what’s ...
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blog post kidney qi winter audio meditation fatigue jennifer raye

How to nourish Kidney Qi in the winter + audio meditation

“The highest good is like water. Water is good at benefiting the ten thousand things, and yet does not contend with them. It dwells in places the multitudes detest, therefore, it is close to the tao.” Tao Te Ching Eastern medical systems such as Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda view the ...
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blog post winter blues follow these tips jennifer raye

Winter blues? Follow these tips

Winter is a time of quiet reflection. As the days grow longer and darker, it’s natural to move slower, be softer, and turn inward. However, the darker winter days can also be when your mood resembles the cold and dark outer environment. For many people, along with depression can come ...
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blog post holiday survival guide jennifer raye

Survive the Holidays with True Self Care

The holidays are fast approaching and that means things can start to get a little crazy! For many people, the holiday season can be a busy and stressful time. During this time of year, your immune system can be exposed to more flus and colds, and there can be greater ...
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blog post herbal nutrition for your health jennifer raye

Easy herbal medicine to get more nutrition in your day

There are many health concerns that we can address through greater nourishment. Many natural remedies have such a positive effect on the body because they provide a high dose of plant based vitamins and minerals. Nutrient deficiencies are very common and in today’s video I discuss nutritive herbal medicines. Integrating ...
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yin yoga sequence for the whole body jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sequence for the Whole Body

Within our yin yoga practice we can practice sequences of poses that directly target a specific area of the body. While each pose affects many areas of the body at the same time, we can combine the poses in a sequence to emphasize a specific action. Whole Body Yin Yoga ...
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blog post whats the difference between restorative and yin yoga jennifer raye

What are the differences between restorative yoga and yin yoga?

It makes sense that restorative yoga and yin yoga are sometimes confused with one another. These two practices are similar in many ways. They’re both slow, receptive, calming, cooling, and oftentimes, they both emphasize contemplative teachings. These two practices do have some essential differences though. I often get asked how ...
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