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blog post how to use chinese medicine in your yoga practice jennifer raye

How to use Chinese Medicine in your yoga practice

Did you know that Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (the sister science of yoga) were almost certainly influenced by one another? Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are two of the oldest continuously practiced and recorded medical traditions in the world. They are both a product of their individual cultures, but at their ...
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blog post what is yin yoga how does it work jennifer raye

What is Yin Yoga? How does Yin Yoga work?

The practice of yoga that we do today comes from varied traditions based in ancient India. Most of what is called yoga today can be traced, at least in part, to the Hatha Yoga tradition. Hatha Yoga was primarily concerned with strengthening and preparing the body for other practices like sitting meditation. From its ...
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blog post kidney and bladder meridians jennifer raye

Bladder and Kidney Meridians for Yoga

In Chinese Medicine, the Kidney and Urinary Bladder are paired. When looking at the organs through the lens of Chinese Medicine, it’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is concerned with relationships, interactions, and functions more than physical location. So whenever the organs are discussed in Chinese Medicine, what’s usually ...
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blog post what is restorative yoga jennifer raye

What is restorative yoga? How does restorative yoga work?

“Restorative poses are poses of being rather than doing” Judith Lasater Restorative yoga is a specific style of yoga that emphasizes relaxing and receiving. The deliberate stillness once you’re in a restorative posture affects energetic and physical healing by calming the nervous system. Many restorative poses also gently activate and ...
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blog post what are meridians how do meridians work jennifer raye

What are Meridians and How do Meridians Work?

In my private medical practice people ask me all the time “What are meridians?” and “How do meridians work?” So in today’s video I answer these questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd__2eKnNS4 According to ancient medical systems like Traditional Chinese Medicine, we not only have a physical body, we also have an energetic or ...
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blog post heart and small intestine meridians jennifer raye

Heart and Small Intestine Meridians for Yoga

In Chinese Medicine, the Heart and Small Intestine are paired. When looking at the organs through the lens of Chinese Medicine, it’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is concerned with relationships, interactions, and functions more than physical location. So whenever the organs are discussed in Chinese Medicine, what’s usually ...
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blog post how to heal and strengthen your digestion jennifer raye

How to Heal and Strengthen your Digestion

Digestion plays an essential role in overall health. Even if your diet is impeccable, you won’t get the nutrition you need if your digestion is not working. Did you know the digestive system is home to your gut microbiome, full of trillions of bacteria and millions of neurons? These deeply ...
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blog post spleen and stomach meridians jennifer raye

Spleen and Stomach Meridians for Yoga

In Chinese Medicine, the Spleen and the Stomach are paired. When looking at the organs through the lens of Chinese Medicine, it’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is concerned with relationships, interactions, and functions more than physical location. So whenever the organs are discussed in Chinese Medicine, what’s usually ...
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blog post yoga for immunity and lymphatic flow jennifer raye

Yoga Practice Video for Immunity and Lymphatic Flow

There are many simple techniques you can use to support your immune system. Today I’ll focus on four primary pillars for basic immune health. You’ll also find a yoga practice designed to target your lymphatic system, skin, digestive system, and lungs. Watch and read below to learn more. For more ...
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blog post resources for deep resilience and calm jennifer raye

Resources for Deep Resilience and Calm

*Originally published March 2020 These last few weeks have been a swirl of uncertainty, decision making, and fear for so many folks, so I just wanted to reach out and offer you a few resources I thought you might find helpful. I hope you enjoy  Support Resilient Immunity While the ...
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