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blog post for the love of all things jennifer raye

What kind of chocolate to choose + raw chocolate recipes

Pure cacao (also know as cocoa) is a goldmine of rich, delicious nutrition. All chocolate is made from cacao. Cacao is a nut, seed, or “bean” that is harvested from South and Central American trees. It’s always in season, and can be harvested anytime. Cacao has always been highly revered. ...
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blog post wellness and yoga loss and all the season jennifer raye

Loss and All the Seasons of Our Life

And…. EXHALE. I sometimes sit on my front porch wrapped in warmth listening to the rain. Every evening the night sky gets darker earlier and the tree in the front yard loses more of her leaves. At times it feels as if I am also losing my leaves. Stripped bare ...
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blog post holistic nutrition want to cleanse where to start jennifer raye

I Want to Cleanse. Where Should I Start?

As we sink into autumn, many people feel a natural turning inward. The busyness of summer has calmed, and now we can prepare for winter. Just like spring, autumn is a time of transition. In the autumn, we move from the heights to the depths. Cleansing and fasting are wonderful ...
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blog post holistic nutrition the three most high power green foods jennifer raye

The 3 Most High Power Green Foods

While all foods can be used medicinally some “superfoods” have an unusually high amount of beneficial nutrients and energetic vitality. In general all green foods (especially the algae below) are detoxifying – they help to clean the blood, support the function of the liver, they decrease inflammation and acidity in ...
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blog post the secrets to hormonal balance jennifer raye

Women! The Secrets to Hormonal Balance

According to Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, a woman’s menstrual cycle is a natural reflection of her overall health and balance. Many women experience some level of disharmony related to their cycle. If you’re having difficulty with fertility or irregularities, pain, and PMS with the rhythms of menstruation, your hormonal system ...
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blog post remedies for menopausal symptoms jennifer raye

5 Helpful Remedies for Menopausal Symptoms

Throughout life you continually use and produce hormones. With the onset of menopause this balance changes. While the transition into menopause is normal, many symptoms women experience are extreme and reflect a system that needs balancing. Menopause is considered a “second spring” in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It’s considered a time ...
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blog post the energetics of summer jennifer raye

Cool Down in the Summer with these Quick Tips

In Chinese Medicine, every season is related to an element and an organ system. Read on to learn a few tips about the summer or check out the summer seasonal cycles video. Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, San Jiao: The season of summer is related to the fire element, the Heart, ...
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blog post meditation to  pause and relax jennifer raye

A Meditation to Pause and Relax

Do you ever feel like you need to just pause? I know I do. When I first began practicing yoga and meditation, rest and relaxation practices provided almost immediate positive results. I felt a shift in my life, in my mind, and in my heart. Sometimes we just need some ...
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blog post free mindful yin yoga jennifer raye

Free Mindful Yin Yoga Video

The terms yin and yang come from Taoism and have been adopted by yoga practitioners to describe types of movement. The name “yin yoga” is simply a term used to describe a practice that activates “yin” type tissues of the body through “yin” type movement. During yin yoga, postures are ...
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blog post the energetics of spring jennifer raye

The Energetics of Spring

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine every season is related to a corresponding element and organ system. The season of spring corresponds to the wood element and Liver energy in Chinese Medicine. The wood element in the cycle of the five elements is where manifestation begins to form from deep seeds ...
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