Free Courses and Gifts

Downloadable guides and free courses to inspire and support your wellbeing and movement practice.
Choose one or download them all.

A Month of Mindfulness Course

Join us to deepen your meditation practice. Sign up and receive an entire month of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises. All levels welcome!

Yin Yoga for the Water Element Guide

Sign up and receive a guide all about the water element of Chinese medicine including meridian diagrams, a suggested yoga sequence and acupoints.

Yoga for the 5 Elements Video Series

Deepen your study with this video series on using yoga with the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, and metal) of Chinese medicine and Taoism.

Fascial Planes in Yoga Email Series

Sign up and receive an email series exploring how the myofascial meridians are connected to patterns of strain and pain, as well as freedom and movement.

Stress Relief
Adaptogens Guide

Feeling stressed, fatigued, or overwhelmed? Learn about my top four herbal medicine choices for stress and what stress relieving herb is right for you.

Heal Your
Digestion Guide

Sensitive digestion? Use these four diet and herbal suggestions to support your gut lining and microbiome and heal and strengthen your digestion.

4 Methods for
Yin Yoga Guide

Need some ideas to enliven your yin yoga practice or classes? Sign up and receive guidance on four techniques to teach a powerful yin yoga class.​
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