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blog post seasonal cycles deepen into winter jennifer raye

Seasonal Cycles :: Deepen into Winter

At this time of year, water turns to ice, and plants store their energy in their roots. Winter is considered a time of reflection, deep receptivity, and a time of building potency. The season of winter asks us to slow down and store up. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this ...
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blog post yin yoga sleeping swan or pigeon pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sleeping Swan and Yin Yoga Pigeon Pose with modifications

The yin yoga posture of sleeping swan pose or pigeon pose creates external rotation in the front leg, and targets the quads and hip flexors. It’s also a backbend which compresses the lower back and can help maintain the health of the lower spine.. Sleeping swan pose primarily targets the ...
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blog post yin yoga childs pose with twist jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Posture Childs pose with twist with modifications

The yin yoga posture of child’s pose with a twist is similar to a regular child’s pose except you twist the spine and bring your bottom shoulder toward the opposite knee as you lower to the floor. Be sure to watch the video on the regular child’s pose to learn ...
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blog post yin yoga happy baby stirrup pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Happy Baby Pose and Yin Yoga Stirrup Pose

The yin yoga posture of happy baby pose or stirrup pose helps to open the hips and the inner line of the leg. The movement creates external rotation in the hips and can also decompress the sacrum and the sacroiliac joint. Energetically, it targets the Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Gallbladder and ...
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blog post yin yoga dragon pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Dragon Pose with modifications

Dragon pose is a yin yoga pose that deeply opens the hip and groin. It also helps to target the hip flexors and quads. Dragon pose may help with sciatic pain and can relieve tightness in the legs in hips. It can also be a mild backbend. When it comes ...
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blog post yin yoga forward fold caterpillar pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Forward Fold and Yin Yoga Caterpillar Pose with modifications

Caterpillar pose is a straight-legged forward fold. It helps to lengthen the ligaments that run along the spine, activates the hamstrings, and compresses the abdomen aiding in digestion. It also triggers the Urinary Bladder channel that runs along the back line of the legs and along either side of the ...
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blog post yin yoga melting heart quarter dog pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Melting Heart Pose and Yin Yoga Quarter Dog Pose with modifications

Melting heart is a backbend for the upper and mid back that helps to open the front of the body, shoulders, and the area around the heart. Both melting heart and quarter dog pose target the meridians of the arms, upper chest, and back. The Stomach, Spleen, Bladder, Lung, and ...
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blog post seasonal cycles release into fall jennifer raye

Seasonal Cycles :: Release into Fall

Today I walked in the forest. Surrounded by soaked verdant leaves I listened to the crows talk to one another and observed the earth heavy with dark soil and moss. And now I’m here, at home, with the comfort of a hot teapot, wrapped in blankets as I listen to ...
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blog post yin yoga saddle and halfsaddle pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Saddle Pose and Yin Yoga Half Saddle Pose with modifications

Both of the postures of yin yoga saddle pose and half saddle pose target the sacro-lumbar region, the kidneys, and the ligaments along the spine. They also stretch the hip flexors and the quadriceps. Check out the video, descriptions and modifications below to learn more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B4EKH-ljLo Yin Yoga Saddle Pose ...
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blog post yin yoga butterfly pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Butterfly Pose with modifications

Butterfly pose is one of the most accessible forward folds in the yin yoga practice. It’s a great pose to open up space in the back, hips, and adductors (inner leg). And it targets the Gall Bladder, Kidney, Liver, and Urinary Bladder meridians in the Chinese system. It’s a great low ...
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