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blog post chinese medicine for anxiety jennifer raye

Can acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help anxiety?

How to treat anxiety with Traditional Chinese Medicine Did you know that acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help with anxiety and other emotional difficulties? Anxiety is a normal response to stress or danger. But when this reaction occurs frequently, at inappropriate times, or chronically, it’s considered an imbalance. Symptoms ...
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blog post meditation on loving kindness jennifer raye

A New Loving Kindness Meditation

The ancient yogis knew that kindness could be such a powerful force. In fact, they taught a systematic way of getting in touch with what they called our “basic goodness”. The four “heavenly abodes”, or brahma-viharas in Pali, are discussed as an important step within the yoga sutras of Patanjali ...
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blog post are you trying too hard in your practice jennifer raye

Are you trying too hard in your practice?

Whether you’re practicing asana (the physical movements of yoga), or seated meditation, your experience arises through the filter of your sustained attention. The ancient yogis understood that through a deliberate cultivation of this attention, practitioners could experience the natural mind as radiant and clear. Yogis use the eight fold path ...
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blog post what to eat for breakfast jennifer raye

What to Eat for Breakfast?

“Break – fast” is the first meal after fasting all night. Breakfast helps the body and mind to function for the rest of the day, and one of the easiest ways to boost the metabolism is to eat a healthy breakfast. Too many people skip breakfast! Plan your breakfast the ...
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blog post what is your constitution in ayuverda jennifer raye

What is your constitution in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine from India and is the sister science of yoga. The principal aim in Ayurveda is creating wellbeing through balance. Balance is accomplished through food and lifestyle guidance, and attention to a persons unique constitution. A persons constitution is determined though the presence of ...
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blog post everything you ever wanted know about juicing jennifer raye

Everything you ever wanted to know about juicing

I LOVE juicing. To be clear, I’m not talking about conventional store-bought fruit juice, which is often full of processed sugar, colours, and preservatives. I’m talking about homemade, rich, green veggie juice. Juicing your veggies enlivens you and your cells and gives you an instant shot of nourishing energy and ...
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blog post in defense of food jennifer raye

In Defense of Food :: Book Review

Thinking about food and nutrition seems to be such a central concern for many of us. There are endless questions, and just as many answers, floating around related to health and nutrition. Our ancestors didn’t give any thought to measuring and calculating vitamins and nutrients and yet many of them ...
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blog post postures for meditation without pain jennifer raye

The key postures you need to know to meditate without pain

There are many postures available for the practice of meditation. Meditation can ultimately help you let go of unwanted tension and gripping, but in order to experience this deep state of calm it first requires you to release the habitual (and often unnoticed) tendency to have an agenda during practice. ...
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blog post the most important thing during your yoga practice jennifer raye

The most important thing to use during your yoga practice

Connections between how we feel and the state of our breath have been demonstrated for thousands of years within yogic teachings and the ancient medical systems of Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine. Today there are endless western medical studies that further prove the positive effects of smooth and unrestricted breathing on ...
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blog post a brief history of yoga jennifer raye

History of Yoga

I studied yoga for several years before I really became interested in the history of the practice. Ultimately, I figured it was pretty straightforward. Yogis have passed on teachings for many thousands of years and that brings the practice to us today. Right? Well not quite.. After Mark Singleton published ...
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