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natural medicine for spring jennifer raye

Wellness Wednesday :: Seasonal Practices for Spring

Many wisdom and medical systems looked to the natural world as a way to find balance. Right now in the northern hemisphere the sprouts will soon be bursting through the rich dark soil. The spring is a time we can find clarity around our direction and vision, we can invite ...
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blog post what is cupping how it works jennifer raye

What is Cupping and How does Cupping Work?

Recently, the practice of cupping received an uptick of interest in popular culture, so I thought I would provide some general information on the practice here. I use cupping on patients in my Chinese Medicine practice, and I’ve received plenty of cupping myself! History of Cupping Cupping therapy has been ...
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blog post salamba setu banhasana spported bridge jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics :: Salamba Setu Bandhasana / Supported Bridge Pose

Supported bridge pose or Salamba Setu Bandhasana is a restorative posture that helps to create more length in the front of the body, the deep belly, ileopsoas muscle and chest. It helps to tone the organs in the pelvis and abdomen as well as putting gentle pressure on the lower back. ...
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blog post supta baddha konasana reclined bound angle jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics : Reclined Bound Angle / Supported Butterfly Pose

This posture is a wonderful pose to integrate into your practice due to its restorative and restful effect on the body. Take your time to set it up, and enjoy! Reclined bound angle posture (supported butterfly pose) helps to open the chest, lungs, heart, abdomen, and pelvis. Its one of ...
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blog post jill satterfield interview 1 jennifer raye

Teacher Interview: Jill Satterfield

“How we work with what we see is how we develop” Jill Satterfield Jill Satterfield is the founder of Vajra Yoga and Meditation. Over 35 years ago Jill turned to yoga and meditation because of chronic pain. She managed to heal herself completely and since then she’s been teaching a combination of ...
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blog post saraswati markus master teacher interview jennifer raye

Teacher Interview :: Dr. Saraswati

You may know I have many passions that I integrate into my work and life. I find combining the ancient practices of yoga, breath work, and meditation with an understanding of health and imbalance based on Chinese Medicine equals a powerful system of healing. In today’s interview I speak with ...
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blog post the body is a spiral jennifer raye

The Body is a Spiral

Myofascial Planes Over the last few posts, I’ve been exploring the “myo-fascial” lines, planes, or sheaths of the body. Be sure to check out my previous posts on the lateral plane, the dorsal plane, the ventral plane and the core to learn more. These planes are a wonderful way to understand how movement, ...
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blog post tias little master teacher interview jennifer raye

Master Teacher Interview :: Tias Little

I’m really excited to share this interview with you that I did a while back with yoga and meditation teacher Tias Little. When we originally did this interview I had been following Tias’s work for many years and I just loved how he combined physical and energetic anatomy, contemplative practice, ...
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blog post anne cushman master teacher interview

Teacher Interview : Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher Anne Cushman

(NOTE – this post was originally published in 2014 and was re-posted and updated Jan.2018 ) Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Anne Cushman, Anne is an accomplished author and Buddhist mindfulness and yoga teacher. Anne is the director of the Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation Training at Spirit Rock Meditation ...
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blog post remedies for depression jennifer raye

Wellness Wednesday :: Remedies for Depression

In today’s video, I discuss those days we feel down. Depression and low moods affect so many people so I put together a few suggestions and herbs that may help you find more emotional balance. Depression is a huge topic. If your depression feels severe or you’re having thoughts of ...
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