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blog post legs up the wall viparita karani jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics :: Legs up the Wall / Viparita Karani

There are many variations of Viparita Karani but in today’s post, I explore a simple variation of “legs up the wall”. This posture can be used in an active yoga practice, in a yin yoga practice, or in a restorative yoga practice. Legs up the Wall // Viparita Karani Legs ...
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blog post yin yoga sphinx pose seal pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Sphinx Pose and Yin Yoga Seal Pose with modifications

Yin Yoga Sphinx Pose Sphinx pose is a backbend that helps to open the front of the body and compresses the lower spine, sacrum, and region of the kidneys and the adrenal glands. It also activates the Kidney meridian, and the ligaments along the spine. This is particularly important due ...
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blog post nutritive herbs for everyday health jennifer raye

Nutritive Herbs for Everyday Health

My favourite herbal medicines to discuss are a wide-ranging group of herbs that are very safe and super nutritious. Tonic herbs are full of life-giving and life building nutrients. They help to build vitality and provide protection. These herbs work on many different levels; the organ systems and immune systems ...
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blog post yin yoga recicling twist jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Reclining Twist with Modifications

Today’s video is the yin yoga posture “reclining spinal twist”. There are many variations to this pose dependent of personal preference and mobility in the knees and back. This posture primarily helps to twist the spine and “massage” or squeeze the internal digestive organs, making it a great pose to ...
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blog post corpse pose savasana feature

Yoga Posture Basics :: Savasana / Corpse Pose with modifications

Savasana (corpse pose) is a resting pose that is usually used to help us to let go at the end of our yoga practice. It helps to calm the mind, and induces a sense of relaxation. You can also use savasana at any point in your yoga practice to integrate ...
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blog post yin yoga half dragonfly half butterfly jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Half Butterfly and Yin Yoga Half Dragonfly with Modifications

Half butterfly pose and half dragonfly are forward folds that are done seated. To practice, bend one leg and place the sole of the foot along the inner thigh of the opposite extended leg. The names of these poses are oftentimes used interchangeably so I included both in today’s video. ...
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blog post yin yoga shoelace pose jennifer raye

Yin Yoga Shoelace Pose with modifications

Shoelace pose is used within the yin yoga system to externally rotate the hips, and stretch the inner thighs and groin. If you’re folding forward it also decompresses the lower spine. The primary meridians affected are the Liver, Gallbladder and Kidney channels. If you’re folding forward the Urinary Bladder meridian will also ...
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blog post yin yoga childs pose jennifer raye

Yoga Posture Basics :: Childs Pose / Balasana with modifications

Childs pose (balasana) is practiced within many different style of yoga. In the video below, I discuss its use in yin yoga, restorative yoga, and active forms of yoga. Child’s pose, like all forward folds, is a very cooling and calming posture. It can relax the mind, relieve stress, stretch the ...
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blog post sleep and insomnia solutions jennifer raye

How to Improve Your Sleep Naturally

It’s my belief that there are many health concerns that conventional medicine doesn’t help. We need to start turning towards natural remedies and other earth-based medical traditions that have long and established histories for solutions and support. I created my Wellness Wednesday video series to help you take your health into ...
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ayurveda taly lutzker jennifer raye 2

The Life Changing Power of Ayurveda

My dear friend and Ayurvedic practitioner Talya Lutzker, asked me to speak in her online wisdom interview series all about Ayurveda recently. We had a lovely conversation all about how to find more consistency, calming and grounding in your life. Talya is a total gem, and I’m happy to share ...
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