Liver and Gallbladder Meridians for Yoga

blog post liver and gallbladder meridians jennifer raye

In Chinese Medicine, the Liver and Gallbladder are paired.

When looking at the organs through the lens of Chinese Medicine, it’s important to remember that Chinese Medicine is concerned with relationships, interactions, and functions more than physical location. So whenever the organs are discussed in Chinese Medicine, what’s usually being referred to is an array of functional relationships.

Each of the primary organs has a corresponding meridian, or energetic channel. The meridians are where Qi is said to flow. This Qi nourishes the body, and keeps the body in relative balance.

Physically the liver and gallbladder are on the right side of the abdomen. The liver stores vitamins, minerals, and blood. It’s also responsible for detoxification and it produces bile which it sends to the gallbladder. The gallbladder stores and secrets bile which helps during digestion, particularly of fats.

Energetically, the Liver regulates and stores the blood. It’s responsible for menstruation, and the smooth flow of Qi, especially in the blood. If the Liver Qi is not moving freely and smoothly, the blood and emotions will be stagnant.

Watch the video to learn about the location of the Liver and the Gallbladder meridians and some acupressure points you can use in your yin yoga or active yoga practice:

Location of the Liver Meridian:

  • Begins on the lateral aspect of the big toe and travels between the 1st & 2nd toe to the depression anterior to the inner ankle
  • Ascends the medial aspect of the leg to the inguinal area
  • It encircles the external genitals and ascends the abdomen to the 6th intercostal space
  • An internal pathway ascends and connects to the Liver, Gallbladder, and Lungs before it travels upward to the eyes, around the lips over the cheek and up to the forehead and vertex of the head

Find a yin yoga sequence for the Liver and Gallbladder channels here.

Location of the Gallbladder Meridian:

  • Begins at the outer corner of the eye and travels to the front of the ear
  • From there it travels up to the hairline and wraps around the ear.
  • Then it zig zags across the lateral side of the head
  • It travels to the highest point of the trapezius muscle and down along the lateral aspect of the torso
  • An internal pathway moves through the Liver and Gallbladder
  • The primary pathway continues to descend laterally across to the centre of the buttock
  • It then descends the lateral aspect of leg and ends on the lateral side of the fourth toe

Acupressure Points for Yoga

During your yoga practice some poses may compress these points and others will release the compression. You can also place gentle pressure on these points before, during or after your practice.

Liver 3 (TaiChong):

This point moves Liver Qi and it nourishes Liver blood and Liver Yin. Use this point for overall stress, headaches, menstrual irregularities, and pain.

LOCATION: On the top of the foot, in the hollow between the bones of the big toe and second toe.

Gallbladder 34 (YangLingQuan):

This point activates the channel and benefits the sinews and joints.

LOCATION: Located on the lateral side of the leg, one thumb width anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.

Chinese Medicine for Yoga Online Training

Mindful Yin Yoga Online Course

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