5 ways to kickstart your day

blog post five ways to kickstart your day jennifer raye

Making some very simple changes to your lifestyle and diet can have profound effects. When you commit to simple changes that support wellbeing, the bodies innate intelligence responds, and you experience greater health and vitality.

To have more energy and to feel more alert and alive every morning commit to these steps:

Eat Dinner Earlier

You symbolically begin anew every morning when you open your eyes. The morning is a wonderful place to start working with changes that will help to improve your health in body, mind and heart. But the morning actually starts with the night before!

Sleeping time is meant for just that – sleeping! When you eat late at night you don’t give the body a chance to fully digest your dinner. The body ends up working throughout the night to process your meal instead of using the time to rest and repair. When you eat earlier in the evening you’ll wake up more alert and with more energy.

Stay Consistent

Our bodies respond very well to routine and consistency. There are many rhythms that the body is constantly fine tuning and you can support this process by maintaining regular sleep and eating cycles.

Water! (with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar)

Start your morning with a big glass of water. Throughout the night the body becomes dehydrated and water acts to replenish those depleted resources. The addition of fresh squeezed lemon juice or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar will help to create an alkaline environment internally which will help to boost your digestion and many other physiological processes

Move your Body

To optimize physical and energetic circulation, movement is essential. In the morning, some gentle stretching starting with your feet and moving up your legs, your arms, and eventually your neck, will help to move any congested energy from the nights sleep. Take some deep breaths as you stretch. A walk in nature is also ideal.


You body and mind is not actually separate at all. Start a practice of recalling moments, people or situations you are grateful for every morning. To make this practice extra powerful recite or recall these during something you do everyday like brushing your teeth so that it becomes a part of your daily routine.

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