10 min Yoga Practice for Legs and Back

blog post 10 min yoga practice for legs back fatigue jennifer raye 2

Today’s simple and quiet yoga practice is done completely on the floor. This allows the body to rest while increasing circulation in the feet, legs, and hips. Take your time and allow your breath to soften and relax as you enter the poses. Remember – silence, space, and stillness can be very nourishing!

If you’ve been feeling depleted or stressed, practicing close to the earth can be very restorative. Give yourself this time by following along and feel free to check out the information below the video for additional ideas and support.

This yoga practice begins on a soft surface on the ground. Feel free to use a blanket or carpeted floor. When you rest your body on the earth your tissues are given the opportunity to “let go”. There is less stress from gravity on the body when you come down to the ground, so enjoy this time on the earth to replenish your reserves!

One of the primary movements we work with in this yoga practice video is Supta Padangusthasana (reclined big toe posture). This yoga pose is particularly helpful because the yin meridians of the inner leg (Kidney, Spleen, and Liver) are targeted when the leg is taken out to the side. It also helps to encourage blood flow into the pelvis.

blog post yoga practice for legs and back jennifer raye 2
blog post yoga practice for legs and back jennifer raye 1

To setup this pose use a strap or reach for the upper foot. Press out through your inner heels and ground the lower leg. Invite your lower back and abdomen to release and spread.

After supta padangusthasana, we continue with a few more reclined postures concluding with a short savasana.

Thank you for practicing! If you enjoyed this yoga practice video for the legs and back you may also enjoy:

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