Teacher Interview: Jill Satterfield

blog post jill satterfield interview 1 jennifer raye

"How we work with what we see is how we develop"

Jill Satterfield is the founder of Vajra Yoga and Meditation. Over 35 years ago Jill turned to yoga and meditation because of chronic pain. She managed to heal herself completely and since then she’s been teaching a combination of yoga and Buddhism. I studied with Jill years ago and I’m very happy to share her story with you here.

Named “one of the 4 leading yoga and Buddhist teachers in the country” by Shambhala Sun Magazine she is the founder and Director of the School for Compassionate Action and a founding faculty member of Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Mindfulness for Yoga Training.

In our interview Jill and I speak about creating a collaboration between body, mind and heart and how we can find healing through our yoga practice. Jill also speaks about the difficulty in finding spirituality in a yoga class and the importance of play in our practice.

Join me below as we discuss this ancient practice in our modern lives:

Now it’s your turn:

Time to start your home practice and reach out to a teacher! Tell me one take away you received from the video and how you will integrate it into your life.

(NOTE – this post was originally published in 2014 and was re-posted and updated Jan.2018. )

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